We are all in luck. I’m getting email notices from Lefty Fundamentalists that they are focusing their efforts on stopping the genocide in Darfur. Fund raising, cookie bakes….bumper stickers, parades; you know the riff.
Why is this good news. Of course the genocide is bad news, tragic news. The focus of the Lefty Fundamentalists on this problem could mean they will stay out of the many other issues where their meddling is destructive.
The Left has sent peace provocateurs to Palestine to make daily life more difficult for hard working brave Israeli soldiers. They have sent peace provocateurs to Iraq to get kidnapped and put brave American soldiers in harm’s way to save them.
Darfur might teach the Left something about the world. The U.N. has been totally unable to act in Darfur, blocked by the Security Council even when Kofi Annan wants action. The African peace keepers already present in Darfur are inadequate, under supplied and not authorized to stop anything. The E.U. has made sure that NATO can’t be used in Darfur to protect the innocents. The United States has been begging for international action for years but won’t act unilaterally in this genuine quagmire.
Most importantly, the tragedy in Darfur is armed terrorists, Gangaweed outlaws, inter-tribal fighting, the very kind of non-state terrorism that the Left has been saying for five years should be handled with laws and courts.
Could anything be a better lesson for the Left than their certain failure in Darfur?