The historic tragedy for Judaism and for the world is that Napoleon released the Jews from the ghettoes of east Europe to become citizens of the Enlightenment at exactly the same time industrial commerce was exploding.
Some Jews merely became participants in industrial commerce. Less than fifty years later they were to become so successful at assimilation and running businesses, that the Elders of Zion was written. The Russian Secret Police wrote and published the book blaming all the ills of industrial commerce on the few successful Jews. It brought tragedy to millions of Jews from that day forth. Today, hundreds of millions of Arabs and tens of millions of Europeans are still in the thrall of the Protocols of the Elders of
Zion and hate Jews.
Many other Jews, after being freed by Napoleon, made an effort to assimilate into the Enlightenment by joining the anti-industrial commerce movement. The anti-commerce Jews conflated the religion "Judaism" with Marxist-Socialism. To this day most non-Orthodox Jews (and most Israelis pre-Intifada II) still think Judaism and Marxist-Socialism are the same. Millions of Jews died in the USSR, a socialist state that they founded, and
millions more under the Nazis because of their Marxist beliefs. Jews have been terrorized wherever they played an active role in creating the Satanic monster of Marxist-Socialism (Cuba, Iraq, Syria, Hungary…etc.)
Jews are slowly, very slowly, coming to realize the disaster that conflating the Talmudic-Torah tradition with anti-commerce has brought them. Marxist-Socialism has resulted in unending death and tragedy for the Jews who believed in it and helped promote it. It may be several centuries before this horrific tragedy of Jewish success in industrial commerce and fanatic Jewish active support of anti-commerce will be overcome.
(Disclaimer: my father was a Reform rabbi and lived his whole live with the belief that Judaism and Lefty Fundamentalism were the same. Karl Marx, an anti-Semitic apostate, married a Dutch Phillips ancestor of mine.)