Individuals keep asking me whether I consider them Lefty Fundamentalists. I guess I will have to regularly publish a note about global warming data, anti-PC stocks and the tenets of Lefty Fundamentalism.
Global warming cannot be caused by humans and has only occurred, according to the most reliable data available, in two short 20 year spurts. The data is easy to read.
People who invest in non-PC stocks, like WalMart, McDonalds, Haliburton and Starbucks are doing very well in the stock market. If Lefties dislike a company, invest in it.
Lefty Fundamentalism is a set of beliefs that are common to tens of millions of people...who live in San Francisco, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, Boston, Manhattan and Europe. Any one of these millions will agree that these are their beliefs.
The tenets of Lefty Fundamentalism are on this blog. The blog explains why these are religious beliefs. The data that contradicts the beliefs are strong... almost overwhelming.