There is an hilarious website (turn on your sound) that makes fun of a future with massive amounts of personalized data available and unfortunate consequences. Trouble is, the website seems to be done by Lefties who think that commerce will result in horrible personal intrusions into people’s lives with demands for eating health food and paying more for unhealthy food. (The man can either order a health food pizza or end up paying $60.)
The only moves to force people to behave in the currently popular health fads are all Lefty. The Canadian health system tells people what to do and eat, anti-smokers pass countless laws to force their views of health on smokers and current law suits by Lefties blame restaurants for obesity.
Only a Lefty could be so arrogant as to think that people shop, eat and buy what corporations want them to. The Lefties will always say that they personally aren’t influenced by advertising but all non-Lefties are stupid fools who ARE persuaded by advertising to do the bidding of corporations. Arrogance.
Industrial commerce has only one long term outcome: reducing prices. The price of every product or service available today is cheaper and better than the same product ten, twenty, thirty or fifty years ago unless regulated by the government, in which case it is worse. For every original product there are now ten similar products some cheaper and many better. If people can’t see this, they are blinded by ideology. Send me a counter-example if you can think of one.