I try not to comment on contemporary issues unless I have unique view or uncommon knowledge.
That warrants several miscellaneous comments. My Danish friends are just now realizing,
thanks to the cartoon issue, that they are not welcome, with Danish passports,
in Islamic countries including Bali. Danes now know what traveling as an Israeli feels like.
Which leads me to suggest that Israel make all Danes whose ancestors were in Denmark in 1944, honorary Israelis.
Which reminds me: Bali, as I suggested in an earlier blog, is doomed. The latest report I heard is that Balinese kids are begging from tourists. That will drive even more tourists away than Islamic bombs.
Isn’t there anyone else out there who can’t stand to read
another word about New Orleans? Since
no one seems to mention the reality of the situation I will have to state it
here: The South, particularly the deep,
Mississippi South is a moral and political swamp. Nothing honest, competent or technically functional has come out
of the South especially the Mississippi delta. Nothing works down there, especially government.
I clearly have to make a modest exception for Wal Mart (not for those readers who know what Wal Mart really is.) Wal Mart is a small rural store that gobbled up the $30 billion in federal farm subsidies because there were no other stores close to the farmers with the subsidy money. Wal Mart grew and got rich on that $30 billion subsidy. Wal Mart is really a rural government retail store that branched out.