The local San Francisco press and our politico’s have been excited because the Republican National Committee has asked San Francisco to bid on a presidential convention for 2008. Thirty other cities were also asked to bid, I doubt that any got as excited as San Francisco.
The local excitement has come from two groups: one group can’t understand why the Republicans would consider San Francisco knowing that protest groups would be large here and consequently might harm the Republicans in a presidential campaign. This group writes to every newspaper and phones all the radio stations. This group thinks that the protestors will shame the Republicans with their courage, boldness and intelligence.
The second group is opposed to the Republican Convention being in San
Francisco because they hate the Republicans so much they consider the
Republican presence an insult to the area.
I haven’t heard a word yet that speculates on the most likely reason
the Republicans would consider a convention in San Francisco with
guaranteed large unruly protests. It is clear to me that the last
convention in New York gave the Republican candidates a 15 point boost
in the polls (the Dem’s got no boost) during and after the convention.
Reason: the great American electorate thinks protesters are the
opposite of what the protesters think they are. In the public's eyes protesters are cowardly (draft
dodgers), childish and incoherent.