One person has shaped our future probably more than any person since the parameters of the Cold War were established fifty-five years ago. Dean Acheson is given much credit for those policies.
Condoleezza Rice was the person who made public our national security position when she was chair of the NSA four years ago July.
Again as our Secretary of State she established our new State Department policy six months ago, again in July.
From now on the top ranks of State Department professionals will only be promoted from the ranks of people who have served in two hot spots; no more cookie pushers who served in Paris and Vienna. That will change American foreign policy for the next several decades and the effects should be visible within five years.
To add frosting to the cake, Secretary Rice has eliminated U.S.AID, which was an independent agency. The A.I.D battle has been going on for twenty five years. A.I.D, our main development agency, is governed by thirteen mutually contradictory rules. For example: priority in development must be given to food self-sufficiency. However another rule is that no crops can be supported that could compete with U.S. domestic crops. A.I.D is controlled by budget builders in the Congress, a hopelessly ineffective morass.
Condoleezza Rice, the most influential person in global politics, is not appreciated by the black community nor the women’s movement. That’s good, she should never be viewed, by decent people, as a black or as a woman.