I didn’t expect to grow old and find pure evil all around me. I thought that it would be mostly in prisons and small pockets of out-of-the-way cults and possibly a few places overseas.
Now I find I was very wrong. Not only am I surround by evil everywhere on the Left in the form of aggressive anti-Semitism, I have now found a pure form of evil that is widespread in America. It only takes two published references for you to come to the same conclusion for yourself.
First, what is pure evil? Pure evil is torturing a three-year-old to death over a three hour period. Pure evil is a .....
Pure evil is a death row inmate who proselytizes his view that everyone he killed will be his slave in the afterlife. He commends his view to anyone who can be encouraged to follow his path. Pure evil is a brilliant prestigious academic with charm and wit who argues that reason supports the wholesale slaughter of innocent people.
Has this form of pure evil come to surround us? Two articles offer the evidence that it has. The first is by Rebecca Mead who writes about a humorous academic character who she and the New Yorker call an “international star” intellectual. The man that Mead and the New Yorker identify is a guest lecturer in the literature department of any university he wishes to go to from Princeton to Duke. He is a guest lecturer, reportedly welcome at any literary department anywhere in the Western world.
is he and why is he pure evil? He is Slavoj Zizek. Who he is is
described thoroughly by Rebecca Mead. Why he is pure evil comes from
examining what he believes and advocates which is described by Assaf Sagiv in the latest issue of Azure. Sagiv has a fully annotated article with pages upon pages of quotes from Zizek’s published works.
Zizek believes that Marx’s great communist vision of a proletarian society is correct and a desirable goal ... it should be pursued actively through violent revolution. Since violent revolution has already proven to result in wanton human slaughter and tyranny, Zizek tells us to accept the totalitarian tyranny that has always followed such revolutions. Zizek believes that the human death and slaughter that goes with communist revolution and tyranny is necessary for humans to be free of commerce. He may be correct, that a world free of commerce could possibly be achieved by killing enough people … but what is most shocking is that he advocates that students and his followers pursue this avenue of slaughter with their eyes wide open.
means what he says, but he says it with humor and irony. The New Yorker
is fascinated and excited by this man, while the New Yorker suggests
that his ideas might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
Zizek is pure evil and he is in great demand at every college and university near us. All hail the brilliant deans of literature in America who have brought this horror to pass.