The news reports that Steven Avery, in Wisconsin, was freed after 18 years in prison based on DNA. He spent a year being the darling of the “free the innocent” movement and filing a wrongful incarceration suit against the State.
Now he appears to have raped and killed another woman. The press offers strong evidence of Steven‘s guilt.
It is hard for most people to understand what is going on.
An old intimate friend of mine, who was a criminal defense attorney in the defense bar (with the best record of wins … 114 out of 114) explained what usually happens.
Most police get to know the bad guys in their turf. Often they catch the bad guys because most criminals are not very bright. Occasionally they can’t catch the bad guy for a specific crime the police know he committed so they arrest him for something they can pin on him.
It looks to me like that is what happened with Steven Avery. The police knew he was a bad guy in their world. They got a good case pinned on him. It turns out, with new DNA science, that they got the wrong case pinned on him, even though he was guilty of many other crimes. Steven got out and went back to his regular behavior: raping women (photo of the latest victim, Tess, on the left).
Now, with experience gained in prison, Steven knows that after raping a woman, he has to murder and dismember her to make finding and convicting him harder.