Beware. If you are applying for a rebate on a product or service you bought, the rebate world is mostly fraud. Rebate processors sell themselves to marketing people on the basis that 50% or less of rebates on store shelves are fulfilled. That makes rebates look much better to the seller.
Two of the three common techniques for foiling customers who file for a rebate are (1) to claim part of the submission is missing, usually the UPC bar code from the box, (2) forms were filled out wrong or dates were inconsistent. Most people don’t bother to re-file their rebate claim which is why the scam rejection is sent to the customer, months after the original filing.
Lastly, when checks actually are sent to the rebate-customer, the rebate processors makes the envelope look like junk mail in the hopes the envelope with the check will be discarded.
If you file for a rebate, make copies of everything.
In my limited experience, HP is good, D-Link and Radio Shack are bad.