For those of you who follow these matters, for the first time in its 60 year history the UN has put Israeli ambassadors on major UN committees and voted unanimously for an Israeli sponsored General Assembly resolution (for an annual UN sponsored Holocaust day.) Israel, in its entire existence has never been on a committee nor had any resolution on the floor, much less approved by the General Assembly.
One person accounts for this change.....
One person accounts for this change: President George W. Bush. He, the most powerful political figure on the planet, is a strong friend of Israel, a champion of democracy and appointed to the UN the one man who has pushed for significant UN change, John Bolton.
If your are a supporter of Israel, have voted for Democrats and are still reading this blog … please take note: every Democratic senator opposed the nomination of John Bolton.
Among my historically knowledgeable friends, the most fun debate is who is the greatest friend of the Jews in history. It is clearly between Cyrus the Great (the Persian who allowed the Jews to return to Judea and rebuild the Temple) or George W. Bush the man who has changed the role of Israel from an outcast nation defending its very survival against daily terrorists to a full participant on the international scene, fully supported by the most powerful nation, free to defend itself with the clear right to stop Palestinian murderers and able to economically thrive.