It is easy to sympathize with the French over weeks of Muslim riots. America had similar urban riots in the 1960s from a black underclass that was not adequately represented in business, emergency services or politics.
But the French have too elements that evoke schadenfreude for me. First, they have had a ferocious anti-Israel bias for twenty years, one reason was to placate the Arabs in France. Sorry, too bad it didn’t work.
Second, they can’t turn to the nation, the one nation in the world with the most experience in assimilating Arabs, Israel, for advice and help. France has already poisoned the well with Israel hatred and is driving Jews out of France at a high rate.
Israel assimilated nearly a million Arab-Jews who were exiled from their homes in Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. Israel did a great job with poorly educated and dark skinned immigrants. Unfortunately, France is on a road to perdition with no opportunity to publicly ask for help from Israel.
The same of course goes for England. Unlike France, England’s anti-Israel bias is entirely anti-Semitic and is found mostly in the upper class, a group not known to have positive moral qualities.