Diogenes has survived as the name of an Athenian who spent years searching for an honest man. An “honest man” being a stranger who would not attempt to deceive Diogenes A great way to make history. This act was especially noteworthy in Athens a small city where very few people trusted each other, largely because Athens was one of the early urban areas where tribal and family structures remained the prime dictates of behavior. Not so different from Arab culture today.
We know that Athenians didn’t trust each other. That is why they created a boule, a legislature made up of randomly selected citizens. The boule lasted 200 years. In the boule, the chief officer was a position that rotated every month because nobody could be trusted with the power.
I am the modern Diogenes. I have found the honest man, his photo is on the right. I asked this young man for permission to take his photo. He was terribly reluctant. He wanted to know “why?” No answer would suffice. Finally he relented and explained that he wore the shirt because it accurately reflected his feelings. Click on the photo and see how accurately his face reflects the shirt.
I have argued in this blog for years that Lefty Fundamentalism is usually nothing more than a young person’s reaction to the world. It is rebelliousness incarnate in ideology. On this young man it looks cute and honest. On the tens of millions of older people “anti” is just a statement of a brain frozen in time.
I am not mentioning what country I took the picture in. This is proof, in photographic form, that Lefty Fundamentalism is pure intellectual and policy emptiness. Without knowing the country this young man is in you can’t know what policies and ideologies the “anti” refers to. In Cuba or China he is anti- Fidel or anti-Mao; in Europe his is anti-American, in the U.S. he is anti-commerce.