I read a review of a book by Margaret Macmillan, Paris 1919, in the Canadian National Post (sent to me by Alex.)
I was always ready to change my mind about WWII. John Keegan showed how the Germans didn't actually lose WWI, they were defeated by influenza and arose to continue WWI twenty years later.
Now Margaret Macmillan shows that Keynes' book about the unfairness of the Peace Treaty was actually wrong and was used by the Germans as propaganda to foment the unique German post WWI paranoia about being robbed of a victory by politicians.
I personally read both of Keynes' books carefully and find John Maynard Keynes to be the most overrated Marxist theologian in the last century. His General Theory is pulp fiction, pure neo-marxist trash and bad economics with no trace of his supposed theory of consumption.
Thank you Margaret Macmillan.