It is fascinating to me to watch fashion migrate around the world. I was heavily involved in the early migration of blue jeans around the planet and especially pre-bleach-spotted and used jeans, which were generated by my hippy clients.
Now I notice an interesting chain store in Tel Aviv called Castro. From the graphics in the stores, it is clear that the theme and the name come from the Castro district in San Francisco (my gay neighborhood.) The stores are fashionable and successful. (Photo on the right.)
There is a street fashion that migrated to Tel Aviv from Tokyo. I first saw heavy leggings in Tokyo about five years ago in Shibuya on girls 13-16 years old. The colors were black, white and pastel.
Now I find them in Tel Aviv on women 16-20 years old. Hot weather in Tokyo and Tel Aviv do not discourage the use of leggings. In Tel Aviv the colors are bold and the fabric is fuzzy. (The photo on the left was taken at a Love Parade with hundreds of thousands in attendance.)