The bombing of tourists in Bali spells the death of the
There were two important lessons from the 20th Century: Marxism is a bad idea that led to great evil; pacifism is a bad that has led to great evil. The failure and evil consequences of Marxism are fully evident to all but the mentally blind. The same is not true of pacifism because the history of pacifist failure has not been written. (See my earlier blog.)
The Balinese are a peaceful people living in a hostile
nation (Indonesia bans Israeli passports.) They can not escape the Islamic
nation that controls them and is now depriving them of their livelihood. They are trapped pacifists who will return
to their pre-colonial status of tribal life and will still be attacked by their
hostile Islamic neighbors until they are possibly all gone. Think Tibet. Worse
than Tibet because the Balinese don’t even have a religious hierarchy to move
them to exile. Unlike Jews, the
Balinese can not become Israelis with an army and a fighting character.
We get to watch the great tragedy of pacifism unfold before our eyes for the rest of our lives.