In the early days of the women's movement I heard a lot of complaints about the wrong ratio of toilets in women's bathrooms to men's because men have urinals and each woman generally takes longer in the toilet. The demand was for more stalls for women so their waits in line would not be longer than men's waits.
The photo on the right is an Italian solution to the problem... a women's urinal named the Lady P. Is it a solution?
I asked the question of women and got several explanations for why it is not a solution. Women want more privacy than is available with a bank of urinals because they usually have to pull down pants and underpants, men have zippers. Many women have not trained their sphincter muscles as carefully as men. Men can generally piss or poop with complete muscular distinction. Some women are used to doing both at the same time. That should be enough to eliminate the idea of women's urinals, but there is more. The sanitation on men's urinals need not be as good as would be needed on a woman's urinal because men, unless they are pretty old, can aim much better than most women and therefore woman need to be closer to the urninal and it consequently needs to be more sanitary.
Those are pretty strong reasons why the photo is about a dead subject. Somebody had to discuss it. Maybe it shouldn't have been me.