My friend Hans Deuel raised the question on his blog ‘what
is money’ in reference to a debate he saw on another blog.
I wrote an book on money, The Seven Laws of Money in 1973 and published it in 1974. It has sold very well to this day and I have received thousands of compliments and comments. No one has ever suggested that they could debate the subject with me --- which I would love. There has never been a book even close to the subject in twenty-six years. Suze Orman wrote The Laws of Money (5 of them) but it is not really on the same subject.
Back in 1988 I wrote an article on the subject of 'what is money' for the sophisticated
reader, fifteen years after The Seven Laws. It is now sixteen years since I wrote the article, called Money
Language, (in a book called DisCourses) and I have never received even one
comment on it. So --- today I put it on
the web in a pdf file (400k). If you’ve
ever given the subject serious thought, you might find the article interesting. Simple English, difficult to comprehend, but interesting.