It pains me to announce that I have detected a change in national mood.
Please don't blame the messenger. After Katrina (New Orleans Hurricane) there was definitely a sense that our national government didn't work very well. That was a palpable mood.
We are now getting a strong reaction to that mood. Americans are now uncomfortable; they feel that an injustice was done to them. The injustice was blaming the problems of a hurricane on American racism. Nearly every black leader and many prominent Lefties publicly claimed they saw racism at the root of the New Orleans problems. Many singled out the president for blame.
The injustice Americans are feeling comes from learning that the mayor of New Orleans is black and incompetent, the police chief is black and incompetent -- hundreds of his officers deserted in the face of danger. The media added to the injustice by claiming black on black rape, looting and pillage and blaming that on inadequate government.
About 1993 there was a dramatic American mood change; that time it was against affirmative action programs. Today (the end of Sept 2005) there is a sense that the black community is creating their own problems and blaming whites for their plight.
I've phoned friends in other parts of the country and my perception is not unique to me.
I'm sorry to see this mood and equally sorry to be the one who reports it. I have spent fifty years of my life fighting Jim Crow and its legacy.