Here in San Francisco I am seeing more snafus. Is this a pattern?
I find long lines where the person handling the line is incompetent. Buses missing their stops. More store hours that are different than posted. Auto tow services dispatched to the wrong location. Computer repair people who make the problem worse. On and on … snafus.
Today’s snafus can’t be as bad as they were in the early 1980s because the Internet and automatic credit card payments have taken over the worst sources of snafus: bill paying, renewals, insurance invoices, bank overdrafts, auto registration and licenses.
But, are snafus increasing?
The snafu epidemic of the early 1980s was caused by the large influx of young people into the work force … and many of them were stoned.
Today, I would guess the problem is a coastal problem. Working people are lefties, government/union/service workers who are discouraged because their world is doomed. They are taking their disappointment in a failed lefty worldview out on their jobs. Snafus are the consequence.
What do you think? Are snafus increasing? Have I guessed the cause?