I am a devoted simple liver so I am
delighted to find fellow members of my global community.
Chicka plays a miniature guitar (easy to carry around the world) and plays in front of my favorite local coffee shop.
Chika is a confirmed and official simple liver. He lives in a tent in nearby Yoyogi Park (photo on left); the tent is near a public bathroom. Chika has an apartment to receive mail and store miscellaneous items. He pays $278 a month rent. Chika earns an occasional $1,000 as an actor. He is 41 years old and single, travels the world. Chika says he only has a passport and a Citibank ATM card. ( I hope Chuck Prince, CEO Citigroup, learned from his mentor Sandy Weill, who created the first global bank, that we all need a global bank.)
Chika uses the same nearby public bath that I use(lower right.) It is post-war with the standard murals and no fancy gimmicks.
We discussed simple living and wondered why so few people grasp the reality that life is more fun if you have fewer possessions and less responsibility. We also mutually acknowledged that proselytizing for simple living is a bad idea. You either get it deep in your heart or you don't.
Chika plays upbeat popular songs, many love songs and talks about the “heart” of living.