The French problem with Google paying to digitize millions of books in English libraries, is not the obvious problem of leaving the French out. They can always digitize their own libraries.
The problem is that the overwhelming amount of global writing about France and the French, including translations, is by non-French and will present a non-French position.
When searching for material about France or the French the researcher will find five times the amount of material written by non-French writers. France will exist in the digital world mostly from the perspective of the non-French.
That is one problem which the French can see. The other two problems are ones that the French cannot see.
France is not and never has been an hospitable place for intellectual genius. In the 20th Century one of France's greatest minds was forced to flee to America because the social climate in France was so hostile to him: Raymond Aron. In the 16th Century the same was true of France's greatest mind: Rene Descartes. Descartes was forced to live most of his life in Amsterdam, where his books were published and translated into many languages.
The other problem is the French believe that they made an historic contribution to democracy. Ou contrarie, intellectuals living under a tyrant fear the French form of democracy. They know about the Jacobins, Robespierre and the guillotine. The modern heirs to French democracy are the Iraqi-Sunni terrorists.