I assume that most of my readers have
little interest in comments on this blog that attack me personally. I
don't object to ad hominem arguments, abstractly, when all other
forms of argument have failed; but I do object when no effort has
been made to analyze, rebut or enter meaningful dialog. Therefore I
am eliminating comments that are ad hominem when they arrive. Ad
hominem arguments are the bile I'm referring to in the title. People
who make them before they enter the discussion are angry at the
world. The bile belongs in their stomach not on my blog.
I am further eliminating arguments
based on Karl Marx and his class warfare thesis. About one quarter
of Americans and 65.3% of university professors use this analytic
tool. The problems are that it is irrelevant 99.8% of the time, it is
the most repeated mantra in English and the human models derived from
this analysis have led to Stalin, Castro, Mao and several other
nightmares. We don't need this dirty underwear on this blog.