I see writers and commentators bemoaning the change of Amnesty International from a good organization to a bad one. Wrong.
I wrote an article in opposition to Amnesty International in 1976. I would change some of the material and up-date it on Amnesty practices, but most of it is still right on.
Am-nasty has not changed. It is still elite English-speaking lefties arrogantly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. The problem with Amnesty International might be more obvious now if a terrorist nuclear power (not some little country that depends on American trade) demanded that America follow Sharia, let all Muslim prisoners go free and put all gays, usurers and women in bikinis into prison.
Today there are Islamicists who want to enforce their ideas on us. The Islamicist version of Amnesty. Just as arrogant and just as certain they are right.
Over a year ago, Amnesty did a report on California prisons. They talked to the leading prison reform organizer and founder of the main prison reform organizations (a close friend of mine). They didn't listen to a word she said. Instead the report was based entirely on the unsubstantiated rantings of ill-informed Lefty Fundamentalists.