Several items need updating.
First I’m not so down on San Francisco City Hall, any
more. The politicos are doing less and
less damage. The mayor is now widely
seen as politically inept and so devoted to sex (with women, including four on
his staff) that he doesn’t waste time with city administration. Go Gavin
go. Sex is fine with me.
Second, the Jewish vote for Bush went in the right direction and more extensively than was first reported. Jewish men were nearly twice as likely to vote for Bush as women and men under 30 went 35% for Bush. That number was probably an underestimate, the real number was closer to 30% for all Jewish men and 40% for men under 30. Goodbye yenta, hello mensch.
Third, the German translation of the Table of Contents of my
book Commerce has arrived and been posted on my Commerce-the-book page. All of you who can read German, please tell
me how it looks. I had a long interchange with the translator about the right
words for Commerce, business and trade. She settled on Handel, Profitgeschaeft and Gewerbe. There is an amazing
English-German dictionary online.
Last, I wrote an entry on the Marketing Without Advertising page about the end of wearable art, in case you didn’t know that it has disappeared from the scene.