Thomas Sowell wrote an excellent op-ed
in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal. He points out that Northern ghetto
crime came with the black immigrants from the South and the black
migrants have brought the Southern redneck culture with them.
Further, contemporary black culture and language are 100% derivative
from Southern redneck culture and language.
To fully understand and appreciate Sowell's position it is necessary to read Albion Seed, David Hackett Fischer's masterpiece on the origins of the American people. It is a sine qua non for an educated person.
In addition to Albion Seed it helps to
know that our urban black crime rate is the same high rate and the
same mixture of crimes that are found in rural redneck counties,
where the current culture of crime comes from.
It helps to note that every belligerent black reference to “respect” (to being "dissed") is a direct borrowing from the ideas and stereotypes of the Southern Plantation gentleman. The same idea of lack of “respect” for a white person (especially a woman) back in the South, used to get colored people lynched from a tree.
(Photo of Thomas Sowell)