Some of my friends wonder if I am prejudiced against Arab culture when I suggest that it is a culture of paranoia and pervasive deceit. Decide for yourself.
In 1997 the Palestinian Authority released a census and
projection of Palestinian population that put the 1996 population at 3.83
million and projected the Palestinian population to far exceed the population
of Israel by 2020 (3 Arabs for every 2 Jews).
If the Israeli authorities checked the figures they didn’t publicly question them. The U.N. and nearly all the vocal nations in the world spend inordinate time attacking Israel; there was no need to provoke new anti-Semitic criticism over an academic discussion of the flawed Arab population data.
This week the correct data was released.
Turns out the 3.83 million Palestinians was really 2.42 million Palestinians. Big difference. The projections to 2020 were even worse. The ratio of Jews to Arabs will be about the same in 2020, 3 Jews for every 2 Arabs west of the Jordan River. The erroneous projection was based on a 4.5 point reproduction rate, which was actually 2.7 at the time and declining.
Most important to me, father of
“Social Sorting Theory,” is that the number of people leaving the West Bank and
Gaza has been exceeding the number of people moving into the West Bank and Gaza
for several decades (except for the one year when the PLO arrived in 1994).
Social Sorting Theory says that all populations and institutions take on the character of the people attracted to come in and the people flowing out. I personally know many people who went to the Palestinian Territories to invest and start businesses in the early 1990’s during the Oslo negotiations. They all left after a short period of time, finding corruption and barbarian tribal vendettas impossible to live with.
The consequence of net population
outflow (since 1947) is that all the good people have left and continue leaving
in each generation and the people who remain are the subservient, the corrupt
overlords and the social monsters.
That is Palestine today. The Palestinians who you know are not representative of the people left behind. There is no future for the people who stayed behind and no hope for them.