I expect San Francisco to survive. I don’t mean in the sense that there will still be Victorian houses in 2104. Of course there will be. The city will look pretty much the way it does today a hundred years from now. Cities hardly change in a few generations, even with wars and earthquakes.
What I mean is that I expect the city to survive as a viable and interesting place to live. The magnetism of tolerance will continue to bring interesting, different and defiant people here. The power of nine million tourists will continue to attract commerce in its verdant abundance.
What I have concluded, as I watch the city bark viciously at business and watch the State wreak vengeance on the locals, is that the political structure of the city lends itself to survival in spite of the malicious and snotty anti-commerce attitude of the powerful 8% of the population that votes for Lefty lunacy in elections.
Forty commissions run San Francisco with about 300 mayor-appointed commissioners. Once the mayor has made the appointments, in the first six months in office, the city is run pretty much by the commissions and the bureaucrats who report to them.
The way commerce works is to solve problems. Commerce is a problem solving institution. So the way commerce has in the past, and will in the future find to solve political problems in San Francisco will be pseudo-bribery. That means hiring expediters to surmount political hurdles.
In San Francisco, the best expediters are disabled lesbians. I kid you not. We are deeply PC here.
I’m counting on our disabled lesbian expediters to keep commerce happy in San Francisco and protect the future viability of the city.