One of my Lefty friends, in a pseudo-optimistic statement, proclaimed that "Our Revolution will come in the next cycle, in 16 years.”
Sorry, my revolution is here, now. Lefties and Old Europe are missing out on it. It is actually a revolution against them. They have not defeated Starbucks and McDonalds --- they have just shown the failure of their counter-revolutionary ideology.
This Great Revolution is about the triumph of Commerce and the overthrow of birth status: social class, tribes, tongs, and vestigial systems that held everyone in place: traditional religion, magic, romanticism, spirituality and rural values.
Commerce is grounded on values that were first introduced by traders in Amsterdam in the 1600s. We celebrate meritocracy, honesty, openness and markets. We abhor ideology. We accept change and live in a world of wonder, novelty and personal authenticity. Real people, not effetes nor elites. The strongest ally of commerce is technology, a subdued and modest version of commerce.
The old ways are falling. Racism, sexism, ageism, “handicaps” have been defeated by merit, not Lefty ideology. Class arrogance, family connections and “elites” are giving way to merit. Commerce thrives in open societies and open markets. Tariffs, closed borders, radical Islam, communism, central planning and high taxes only emiserate the people who endure them. Commerce destroyed the Iron Curtain and offers black markets, music, and porn CDs to undermine every ideological “Islamic and socialist heaven.”
The revolution is fully underway, hard to see, but historically a beautiful sight for people with imagination, talent and hope.