I’ve seen many explanations about the Nov. 2nd results -- many theses about the nature of the voting public. I want to add one more.
The movement from blue collar and manual work to white collar office work has changed the popular culture that is associated with it. The Bush states are the blue collar, manual work states. They clearly support American troops in Iraq.
The blue collar ethic is stunningly described in West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns by Jane Tompkins. (Tompkins is the brilliant and beautiful wife of Stanley Fish.) Cowboys are the metaphor for blue collar life: stolid, persevering, struggling against nature without book learning. Cowboys faced bad guys whose evil was evident from their opposition to the rule of law.
I have described the popular culture of white collar work as portrayed in the metaphor of the fugitive. The fugitive is a salaried worker who is driven out of society by an ambiguous evil that has social status and power and shuts off all avenues of help that the fugitive seeks. The fugitive persists, always maintaining professional ethics. Finally, when the fugitive has exposed the evil corruption, the fugitive goes back to work without attention. A wimp. Clark Kent.
White collar workers probably don’t support military action.
Unfortunately for the future of American world power, commerce is delivering us into the hands of the wimps, effettees and into the demeaning milieu of salaried workers.