I don’t want my readers to think I am anti-Arab based on an earlier blog. I simply wanted to call attention to the matter of national character.
We Americans have a distinct national character, and from the perspective of others we have some disgusting behavioral qualities. Cultural relativism is a reality.
I have included a photo, on the right, of my son who just recently taught a martial arts class in the West Bank to Palestinians. This photo was in Al Quds, the largest Palestinian daily newspaper. (My son is in the blue outfit in the center.)
I have mentioned to close friends a conspiracy theory that I have had for several years. After the Oslo talks ended in September 2000, I read the many reports on the talks and looked at photos. Several photos show Israeli delegates having a wonderful time with one particular Palestinian.
When I was in Israel earlier this year I asked several Arabists about this Palestinian man in the Oslo photos who was having a great time with the Israelis. I asked if he might be the Israelis favorite to succeed or replace Arafat. The answer was always evasive; I was told that he is a charming man and very tough. The man is Marwan Barghouti.
Could the Israelis have deliberately put Barghouti in prison to keep him safe until he could be elected Palestinian president, from prison? I’m not suggesting that the trial against Barghouti was false or spurious. He is a killer, and the sentence is appropriate.
Fortunately this (possibly real) conspiracy theory won’t get far among the Arab Street that fanatically believes in fantasy conspiracy theories.