There is a new television program where two groups of bariatric (extremely obese) people compete to lose weight.
This is generally a pathetic piece of theatre because a reasonable percentage of people can’t lose much weight, regardless of the incentives, as the Dr. Phil show clearly demonstrated. The rest, who can lose weight through hard work and strong determination, are doomed to regain the weight in one to three years. The regaining of weight occurs in better than 95% of all weight loss cases.
The positive aspect of this program, if the message ever gets through to the public (most scientist are too socially incompetent to even notice what is happening), is that once you put on weight you can’t get it off.
Maybe a generation will grow up knowing that you can’t lose weight so you better not put it on in the first place.
I learned this from my scientist daughter who may be the only socially competent person in the world of science.