For the sake of disclosure, I know this year’s Peace Prize winner, Wangari Maathai. I worked in D.C. on third world development for seven years from the mid-1980s. Ms Maathai was a popular figure, especially when anyone wanted to show they knew people in Africa. Her strongest qualities were candor, vigor and gentle determination. She must have been a difficult child. I’m proud of her and glad she continues to get recognition.
The significant fact for me is the change in the Peace prize from the Neville Chamberlain/ Vidkun Quisling Peace Prize to the more relevant Nobel Peace Prize.
For the past few years the Nobel Peace committee has played the role of supporting terroists, pacifists and anti-war activists. Previous winners include Yassar Arafat, Kofi Annan, Kim Dae Jung and Jimmy Carter.
Someone must have pointed out the connection between their prize and the Chamberlain/Quisling pattern. Thank goodness.