The biggest surprise is that you get to see my blog page and I don't. I've been censored.
This photo is of the YuYuan Gardens, a former gigantic monastery that has been turned into a vast shopping warren. It has a Starbucks and I get to sit outside next to a lake and enjoy the incredible crowd. What a wonderful place, the mood is joy and everyone can feel the sheer pleasure of commerce at its finest.
The two points I want to make concern the number of women who want to marry an American sight unseen. Just to get out of this country. It reminds me that this year Japan and South Korea inked an agreement for free travel between their countries without visas. That is a sure sign that neither Japanese nor South Koreans are trying to escape their country.
( Japan did a similar deal with Iran a few years ago and got swamped immediately with five thousand Persian males landing in Tokyo with no intention of going back to Iran. The open visa deal was promptly cancelled).
The second point is that if you have a maxed-out business bring it to China. Join the American failures that have lines here like Pizza Hut, Playboy shops, KFC, LaCoste, Amway and Buick. GM sells one third more Buicks in China than in the U.S.
More later, as long as I can upload. Pardon the mistakes.